2 Port Electronic Water Valve 12Volts (option 2, variable default)


Product may vary slightly from image representation.
12 Volt DC Two Port Motorised Valve £39.95

Typically used to open or close a flow in a circuit, maybe to a heat-dump to control overheating in solar thermal systems. Also suitable for horticultural irrigation systems, under-floor heating, rainwater harvesting or any low voltage plumbing application.

  • Three Wire solution. Can be set to default Open or Closed
  • 12Volt DC operation at very low current (<3 watts while switching)
  • Zero current drain in default state, 0.25 of a watt actuated
  • Closes when Red and Yellow wires are joined together, so can be preset to be Normally Open or Closed
  • Retains previously selected position when powered off
  • Can be controlled by switch or relay
  • Low Voltage for safety. Efficient and economical
  • Both ports have half inch BSP female threads for easy connection to standard plumbing sizes